Regenerative Field Kit

I've been carrying this brilliant kit (not the whole thing but the viewer) around with me for the past week.

The verdict is that I love it, it's hard, it challenges me to think differently and who knows if I am using it right. But when I return with images and think about the prompts I am often provoked to really engage in the world around me and to think more radically about the future. It's also quite hard to photograph through it especially when trying to take a photo of someone else's shopping.

Getting into more depth though, some of these photos and the moment of stopping and noticing enough to take a photo and think about the prompts on the viewer, are really important.. One of the cards "Who will touch what we make over the next 20 years" really makes me think everytime I look at it.

Even the viewer itself, "Why does it exist?" I've almost been using it as a frame when noticing things that really probably shouldn't exist, to make myself imagine what is the regenerative future for these items or what they represent...

Queue stream of consciousness when using this kit... not necessarily answers, more questions, more pondering. Feel free to chip in...

...Pine smell for your Christmas tree? I guess we shouldn't be chopping down trees in the future to have at Christmas but what energy does it take to make a bottle of scent for your plastic tree (that probably still goes in the bin and probably shouldn't exist either?)

...Doner Kebab Pot Noodle? What is the regenerative future of convenience food? It's easy to imagine that we might all go back to growing food and cooking more, but is that the reality or even the protopia for most people? How much energy, agricultural land does a pot noodle take to make...when we design this are we thinking of who might come across this pot in the next 20 years or what the impact on our health systems are? But then again economically this product probably does quite well and socially it seems to make a lot of people happy(?) or at the very least supports a quick meal in an already fast paced, hard to find time to cook world that some people live in. Is that why it exists?

I'll be posting more as I start to use this more and hopefully I'll be uncovering some answers with the regenerative cards. I am enjoying the process and I am enjoying the provocation! Thanks John V Willshire

I heard somewhere that there's only a few of these left so go get one quick


house martins raised on fen meadow bugs